Find glasses that suit your face shape !
Choices, choices, choices! How do you narrow down your options to only the frames that will make you look your best?
No worry, our dispensing optician are here to help you!

Wondering what size glasses to buy? You can easily find your frame size by looking at your current glasses. Our dispensing optician will guide & show you the numbers that appear on your frames - eye size, bridge size, and temple length.

Optical prescriptions expire between one and two years from the date of your last exam, so make sure to visit your eye doctor if it's been longer than that. Regular eye exams are an essential part of ensuring great optical health for life.

Find out what type of lenses you need
Most nearsighted and farsighted people need single-vision lenses, which have only one corrective power. Single vision lenses are also used to for reading glasses, to correct presbyopia (when you have trouble focusing on objects at a close range.)

Understand your lens material options
There are four different materials that you can have your prescription lenses made from, we have answer to any questions you may have about these options.